Category B
Safe Handling of Ammonia
Safe Practices for Ammonia Refrigeration Systems
For artisans in possessiion of a trade certificate and competency in SARACCA / SAQCCGas Category A, as well as a minimum of 3 years' hands-on experience. The course covers the following material:
- Pressure testing procedure
- Understanding the basic ammonia refrigeration system
- Evacuation of the System
- Charging Ammonia into the System
- Decanting ammonia from refrigeration plant & container storage
- Draining oil from an Ammonia refrigeration system
- Service & Maintenance
- Contamination of ammonia with water and air
- Purging air from an ammonia system
- Environmental issues
- Legal Publications Applicable
- SANS 10147
- OHS Act
- Pressure Equipments Regulations
- Look at a site response to an incident
On Completion of training all succesful learners must be registered with SARACCA / SAQCC Gas as competent within their scope of work after completing Category B Handling Ammonia Safely.